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Votre panier est vide !

Billie Gold

À partir de€80
    Description et détails
    Our lenses
    Guide de tailles
    Strength guide
    4.8 / 5.0
    on Trustpilot
    Voir les 3329 avis
    The reviews are fetched from Trustpilot
    The reviews are fetched from Trustpilot
    Sélectionnez vos verres
    Verres de lecture
    Un verre de lecture pour presbytie. Ces lunettes ont une correction uniforme sur l'ensemble du verre.
    Verre avec filtre anti-lumière bleue
    Protège efficacement vos yeux de la lumière bleue émise par les écrans, ce qui permet de réduire les maux de tête. Disponible avec ou sans correction sur l'ensemble du verre.
    Guide de corrections

    Estimate reading glasses strength by age

    In terms of normal age-related vision changes, we humans are relatively alike. One way you can estimate your reading glasses strength is by considering your age. Usually, the following applies:

    40 - 44 ans+1.0
    45 - 49 ans+1.5
    50 - 54 ans+2.0
    55 - 59 ans+2.5
    60+ ans+3.0

    Print a strength chart

    You can also print an eye chart for reading glasses, in order to carry out an eye test at home. Print the free reading glasses strength chart we’ve created below, and follow the instructions to determine the proper strength for your reading glasses.

    Click to download and print


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    Sign up to receive exclusive offers, early access to new products, and inspirational content by entering your email below, and enjoy 10% off your first order.

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